I don't have the kind of experiences the rest of you are sharing, but I do have one I would like to share.
The weekend after Thanksgiving, I had several grandchildren at my house. One of these is almost 5 and loves tiny little things - amazingly she takes care of them. I had given her a couple small lighthouse models (not Harbour Lights) over the past year or so and she still had them months later. So - I gave her a set of the Alaska thumbnails. They are now a highly prized possession. Well, on this particular weekend, an older grand daughter wanted to look for seahorses while at my house, so I started getting different lighthouses out. These two girls are searching diligently, for a couple hours until the table is covered with lighthouses and their parents had to leave. We had added more light, got out magnifying glasses and they just hunted and hunted. Sometimes they succeeded, more times not. Probably some of you are cringing...yes, they were picking them up and turning them around searching for the seahorses. The whole thing just made me smile. I have taken the older grand daughter lighthousing and will take the younger one soon. By the way, the youngest one's Christmas present this year is a Spyglass set of the Southern Belles.
