From a person that was not able to go on the cruise, but, was able to purchase a set of lights from someone that went, I don't see what all the fuss is about. As Angels Gate posted above, anybody that wasn't able to go on the cruise could have posted that they were interested in purchasing a set as several people did. Anybody that did go on the cruise had the chance to buy a second set (if attending by themselves) or could buy 4 sets total (if attending with their spouse). This is based on the statement in the original rules and regulations (Para. 5) sent out by Harbour Lights (Rod Hunt) on March 29th and I quote: "5. After April 20, 2011 requests for a second set will be considered subject to availability."

It doesn't get any more clear than the above and ANYONE that did not take advantage of this should not be complaining since only approximately 150+ sets were sold. Harbour Lights is fighting for their life to stay above water and as I stated earlier "MONEY TALKS". To have approximately 200 sets left over is a big loss in these "hard money" times. I also want everyone to remember one thing and that is the collectors on this Forum are only a minor impact on the total scheme of things when compared to the non-Forum members that collect.

I applaude HLs and Tony for trying their darndest to stay afloat and not let 200+ sets sit and collect dust in the warehouse when they can strike while the iron's hot. And just out of curiosity, how many of the cruise attendees did buy more than one set? Any input would be appreciated.

Last edited by flacoastie; 06/27/11 05:42 PM.
