Originally Posted By: flacoastie
..... The prices go up and the sizes go down and very soon Rich will give up. ......

I commented to my dealer the other day about this law of inverse proportional that I have been noticing over the past few years with HL pieces (LEs). (All due to the increasing price of raw materials and wages in CHINA)

The pieces are indeed getting smaller and smaller and the price keeps increasing. Soon, the HL piece itself will be so small that it will disappear (not visible to the naked eye) and you will have to take your dealers word on which piece you actually purchased. The molecular density of these HL replicas must be increasing. I wonder if each piece will eventually create they own gravitational pull.

Even-though the quality of work (detail) is the best that Harry, or anyone else, has ever done over the past 20 years, it is getting to a point the the pieces will not be worth the asking price for them...... (which is a shame because the detail is awesome)

Of course, I guess that's why LHD keeps discounting them; they are become too expensive, especially in today's economy!

Here's looking towards the Summer 2011 pieces!!
