Very spooky stories, Debbie. There are so many haunted lighthouses that it would be impossible to recount all the stories we have heard. By the way, one of the stories at Saint Augustine is about the man who hanged himself; workers have seen the apparition of the hanging body - can't recall if it was the keeper. (Those senior moments are coming too frequently these days! wink )

There are many stories about St. Simon's; one is that footsteps are heard going up and down the spiral staircase. Supposedly, an early keeper was murdered by his assistant. They think the keeper returns to ensure that the light is being properly kept. In the days of keepers, he was heard particularly during storms and hurricanes. The dog of one keeper would press close to his owners whenever he heard the steps and would not look in the direction of the door which led to the lighthouse tower. (In those days the keeper and family lived in the little house connected to the foot of the tower.)

I am glad that some of you are listing books about this topic - good to add to the collection for reading on dark and stormy nights! eek

Here is a website which Ladybug (Darlene) sent me last year. I previewed it and it worked, so, hopefully, you won't have a problem accessing it. If not, maybe you can cut and paste.
