In the Volume Eleven, Number Four Lighthouse Legacy, page 9 there is an annoucement

"2005 Register and Win Contest"

" Hurry to your local Harbour Lights dealer, purchase any full sized replica and send in the registration card, enclosed in each box, with proof of purchase for each piece purchased between January 1st, 2005 and March 31st 2005. You may win one of these exciting prizes...

"Choose your own lighthouse" for Harbour Lights to produce___you are in control.
What is your favorite lighthouse? You get to chose one for us to create and sell."

Then the article goes on to tell of the remaining prizes one could win.
In this article they included the 2004 Winner's Choice and winner as an example.

According to my Lighthouse Legacys, there was just one more____ the Final Issue that didn't offer anymore information and then the September 2005 on line Legacy, which only spoke of the 2005 Reunion and the winning the Gold Replicas.

It will be interesting to hear what Harry comes up with to unravel this whole thing.