I've been anxiously awaiting the new Collector's Book to get an idea of what is out there. Sure, I go to their website but it is a bit daunting to figure out what is still available and what isn't.
For me, space is a big consideration. I want to collect alot of the LE pieces but then where do I display them? Of course, there is the cost factor. Right now, I'm very selective of what pieces I am buying. However, the smaller TLLOM series fits both concerns real well and has addressed the problem for me personally. I hope that they keep increasing the different variety of lights in that line and fill in the gaps of the missing lights they haven't done yet.

As far as me getting the LE Admiralty Head light, I don't know. Only if I begin to collect all of them or if I go to see it.


Bob J ~ 65 Lighthouses, 2 Lightships, 25 Life Saving Stations Visited ~
"I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."
John 8:12