Originally posted by Bob M:
I was coming down the stairs from the lantern room at Montauk Light a couple of summers ago when I encountered a lady who made it up to the halfway mark but ran out of breath. She spoke with somewhat of what would be described as a New York accent and stated, "What no elevator?" "They should put elevators in these places!" I just kind of grinned and went about my business.

Perhaps that lady, and many other people who attempt to climb these tall structures, should reconsider if they know they are physically unable to climb that many stairs.

smile Bob smile
There is of course a lighthouse with an elevator. But the public is not allowed inside AFAIK

Looking down your nose at those less fit and less able than yourself is not a loveable attribute IMHO. Even with smiley faces

Incidentally, are the smiley faces counted as photos - because I kept getting that I had too many photos and I only had 6?

We pick which lighthouse we climb very carefully - both how we are feeling ATM, and how stressful it is likely to be and most of all - what are we likely to see when we get up there.

I have been to quite a few lighthouses, but I can only remember climbing two of them - Key West and Cape Florida.

Bob didn't do Cape Florida because he had a bad knee at the time.