John - Your just an old softie! I was going to give one of my pins to Greg(since I don't collect them) until your gracious offer. Thanks again John.

Steve - For many years I bought extras of pieces that I knew would go up in value. I paid hard cold cash for these pieces in hopes that they would increase in value. Some did and some didn't. I still have 15 extra pieces left that the market fell out on. In the heydays of Harbour Lights(93 thru 97) when they were bringing out in the neighborhood of 20+ pieces a year and I was also trying to get the older pieces that I needed for my collection it was not uncommon to spend $2000-$3000 dollars a year keeping up with new releases and bankrolling that "older piece" that popped up in a out of the way store. The only way that I could afford to do that was buy a "sure thing" and keep it a few years till it went up in value. Is that wrong? Maybe you think so but most of us older collectors needed to do that in some form to keep our collections going. I have never sold on Ebay and don't intend to as I don't care for bidding wars. I'm not saying this is wrong but I don't care for it. I have always sold through the Collector Forums and have either stated my price or let the potential buyer make me an offer. No bidding wars there and you can either make an offer or accept my price.

I am buying two of the ELL. One for my collection and one for my son that lived in Erie for a year after my father died. If I'm fortunate to be able to buy a third piece I will keep that for speculation. Maybe a Split Rock or Burrows Island(wrong states) will surface and someone may want to trade for this very limited edition rare piece. Am I greedy? I don't think so as every Forum member will have his or her chance to do the same thing. An example: if you had a chance to buy a limited edition Volkswagan for $5,000 that you knew was going to increase in value after a short time, and you could afford to buy two, what would you do? I know I would buy two of them. Will every Forum member buy this light? No way Jose. Will every Forum member that buys a light buy two? Again, no way Jose. Will we have enough of the 500 to satisfy every Forum members wants. I would venture a guess that we will satisfy all our members and that we will have a few left over so that the Reunion attendees get their chance to buy one or two if they're quick at the draw. He who hesitates is going to be lost I believe so get them while they're available.

It's as Dennis said when he mentioned there is nothing wrong in any of these cases. It's what you want to do that is right as long as your not breaking any laws and that is what makes this country so great.
