
Here's a question for you connected to your post on the ebay auction-

How many of the CF Exclusive did you order?

What do you think many of the people who ordered two are going to do with the second one?

If you ordered two what are you planning on doing with the extra one?

I can hazard a guess that many who ordered two are hoping to sell one for enough to cover the cost of the one that they keep- be it in trade for another piece they want or a straight cash sale.

That's one of the things that serious collectors of items do. Thye won't give anybody here a bad deal but many will want to do the above. It's one reason the limit was set at 2.

It's just that old Capitalistic Attitude that made this country what it is today. Don't get me wrong- I'm not saying it's a bad thing or a good thing it's just the way things are done.
