This topic has been around for a while and people have definitely expressed their opinions. If someone had a limited edition I needed for my collection and the box was missing, I could care less. I would purchase it anyways. Would I pay "top dollar" for the piece? No, I wouldn't. As a matter of fact I probably would be looking for a deal with or without the box.

People should expect a little more for a piece if it is "MIB". After all, it's definitely a pain in the neck storing all these boxes at home. (I have over 200 of them around the house!)

So if any of you have a CH-1 or CH-2, Coquille River, Ponce de Leon, St. Augustine, Portland Head, Hilton Head, or an Ocracoke without a box and you feel bad enough to discount the piece because you have no box, click on the icon for my email address and send me a message.
