Wrong Greg. You better do some research on the subject of the Coast Guard not fighting on the front lines. Just about every landing craft during WWII had a Coastie at the helm. In Viet Nam the Coast Guard had more people percentage wise in Nam then any other service branch. During my tour in Nam between 1967-1968 the Coast Guard had over 2000 men there. They patroled rivers in 82 Patrol Boats and Swift Style boats and also had cutters patroling the coastal waters. They also manned LORAN stations in country and in several other bordering countries The Coast Guard at that time had about 32,000 men and woman so in just that year period alone over 6% of their force was in Nam. During the entire time that Nam was going on approximately 35% of the people in the Coast Guard saw duty in Nam. The Coast Guard is in Iraq now and is usually anywhere that there is water during wartime.

So young man, go to your history book and study about the Coast Guard. That will be your summer assignment. Have a great day.
