...I also believe that the vast majority of the immigrants are looking for a better life financially and politically. Why would they put up with the cold and the hardship if they didn't HOPE that there could be something better? Isn't that what America was founded on?
You make a very valid point, Melody. What you state can be very true in some cases, but not all. The unfortunate part is their financial gain is some other legal citizens loss. Their "we will work for less and do the same job better" attitude is what sends Americans to the unemployment lines. Ironically many things that use to be manufactured in this country is now being done overseas with cheap, and in some cases, child labor.

I've seen many immigrants come to this country not necessarily for a better life but rather to profit enough to retire back in their old country. I remember two Greek guys who bought a pizza shop and worked 16 hours a day, seven days a week. I asked them if they ever took any time off. Their reply was that they would keep this pace up for seven years, sell the business, and go back to Greece and live like kings for the rest of their lives. Interesting concept of just doing seven years and be able to retire. This was back in the 70's so I don't know if the same thing would work today.

Politically, I cannot blame a person escaping cruel and abusive governments and trying to live in the land of the free and home of the brave. I accept that right up to the point where they try to take over. And you know what? Some day these illegals will outnumber your law-abiding American citizens, and they will take over, if we let them.

:rolleyes: Bob :rolleyes: