Originally posted by Bob M:
1. English is not the official languge of the United States- actually there is none.
My mistake, the unofficial language that most every legal US citizen speaks and reads daily. It's the unofficial language that we teach our children so they will be able to function anywhere in this country. It is our means of communication in every facet of life in this country.

2. Like it or not other than the fact that they are here illegally most "undocumented" individuals are very law abiding.
The fact they are here illegally means they have broken the law and would not be considered law abiding in my book. If I stole money from you to start my own business and never broke the law again would I be considered law abiding? You break the law, you are not law abiding. I do see the dark side of these people who have multiple aliases, work many jobs under the table to avoid paying taxes, and then stroll down to the Welfare Office to collect their check under an assumed name and SS#.

you are correct that many have more than one SS# but again for the most part they are not doing this for nefarious purposes- they are doing it to get a job and may have had the other number compromised due to one reason or another.

There is a large amount of money paid into the system through these SS # that never gets back to them due to the fact that they don't file income tax returns due to the fear of discovery.
Leaving a few bucks in a SS account is a small price to pay for all the untaxed dollars they earn and pocket. Besides that, they usually end up getting some sort of free services from the government. Then you must consider they are usually driving without a license and operating unregistered cars with no insurance. Law abiding individuals pay their license fee, registration fees, and insurance fees. What do you tell the party who was just rammed by an illegal alien's car when they find out they didn't have any insurance?

We also actively support the present situation by hiring people ourselves to do work on our homes, etc. We also support the status quo because it benefits us with lower costs for many items we want.

How often has anyone asked if those people cutting your lawn, doing the landscape work, etc are legally here or do we just pay our $'s and look the other way?
Maybe I'm in the minority, but I cut my own lawn, I do my own landscaping, I wash and wax my own vehicles, my builder who handled all my remodeling and the building of my addition a few years back is a licensed contractor born and bred in the USA, and so are all his employees. I do not seek cheap labor costs from illegals.

...do we just pay our $'s and look the other way?
I don't pay my $'s and look the other way. You see, I'm law abiding and legal.

All this from the son of an Irish immigrant who came to this country legally and became a US Citizen, served his country in WWII in the Seabees, raised his family to be law abiding, gave us a good work ethic, and is still alive and kickin' at 89 years of age.

Immigration is fine when it's legal. Do it right or don't do it at all.

:rolleyes: Bob :rolleyes:
As a legal immigrant, who went through the process and became an American Citizen I could not have said it better myself - I agree with you on all points!