Originally posted by GebbyK:
[QB] I think the cost will be too much for the borderline collectors and I feel the real connected collectors will be the ones calling in and trying to go.

While clearly this is not personal, I was shocked by the comment. WE are borderline collectors. WE attend club events, buy as many pieces as we can and support our local "club" store. Truly we are connected. What we aren't able to do, is fork out $700 on a couple weeks notice to go. Do I want to go and see all those people I can't see on a regular basis, absolutely. Am I going, unfortunately no. Decisions have to be made now, and until sometime between payments 2 and 3 will I be able to figure out if I can get the vacation time from work.

I've been to the island before, I'll see my friends again, and if the piece is really hot, I'll wait until someone sells it on EBAY laugh

Don't make this personal, Dave will do a splendid job for all those who go. We can't always have evveryting, I've accepted it, and I'm moving on. The Packers march to the Super Bowl starts in 12 days and I'm happy with that.