I'll add my two cents worth to this one- I
ve never been to a Reunion. I signed up for Baltimore but had to skip it due to other events happening that year that precluded going- not enough time & money for all of them.

I'm sure i'm in the minority on this but I don't think anybody should be given preference to signing up for the Reunion.

I recall the bad blood that was riled up when the Registration happened for the last Reunion. It was stated emphatically on the HL Website that Registration would be on a first come first served basis and they then "quietly" let it be known that collectors clubs could preregister their members.

I don't like the idea of preferential treatment but at least be above board about it.

I expect the same thing to happen this time- early registration for Collectors Club members, although I expect it to be announced this time. I hope so at least.
