What is available in the GL area depends very much on how HL decides to handle another Reunion. One story was that they would get out of the hotel business, and the Reunion package would be exclusive of room. You would choose your own hotel, possibly from a list they would get special rates from.

If this is the case, Mackinac is the prmier place to go. Much to do, all sorts of hotels and such, just not one with 500 or so rooms available. Downside would be airfare for some, upside would be ability for many to travel by car.

What people forget is that there are 5 Great Lakes. Everyone automatically presumers Lake Michigan. While this would be my first choice of the GL, there are possibiities in other locations. How about Milwaukee or Door County? (Door County would have same problem as Mackinac with hotel size.) Go up to Lake Superior coast. How about Duluth? Lots of possibilities. All these areas would be great in Sept/Oct time frame.

Though I would love to see a GL Reunion, history tells us it probably won't be so. Given that, SF is still the nicest choice I have seen listed.
