While I am somewhat disappointed with the news on society membership, I really am not suprised. The cloisonne pin really has never meant much to me and obviously many others feel the same way. As far as the Mark Sherman prints, they are always very well done and look great, but like Mark Wagner, I have never framed or displayed any of them.

I will miss tremendously the hard copy of the Lighthouse Legacy,and the society ornament even more so since for the last few years the only ornies have been the Fresnel Lenses other than the society ornie. Please, bring back the lighthouse ornies for 2005.

As for renewing my memberhip in the society, I am indifferent. I guess I will probably continue to be a member just because I have always been one. It really doesn't get you anything special anymore.

Things change for the better and the worst every day. The Harbour Lights of old is long gone and we can only make the best of what we have today, and that is really not all that bad is it.
