What are you now getting for your $39.00, just the society gift, which is no longer a gift because it is the only tangible thing you are now get.
You're right, Mr. "D".

Who loses here, in the end Harbour Lights because now I am spending and collecting less.
I hadn't quite thought about it that way until your post. You're right again. We pay for a Society Membership to access special priviledges that come with being a member. Now those priviledges are being reduced to paying $39 for a free lighthouse, and the right to pay full price for another.

Lord knows how many Society Members there might be. We do know that the Society gift is the largest edition (in numbers) that is offered each year. With such large amounts of one particular light being made, how will it ever increase in value. I know, we are not in the business of reselling our pieces if we are pure collectors at heart. Yes, we love our little treasures that have cost us many thousands of dollars through our years, but it would be nice to know that you would be able to recover at least part of your investment if the need came along.

Great post and insight, Mr. "D". Welcome to the Collector Forums!

smile Bob smile