Gary, isn't the Bogen set-up nice? I have had mine for four years and initally thought it was too heavy - now it goes everywhere with me. Carry bag helps. I have the three way adjustable tilt pan head (I don't care for the ball mount). I'd have to look at the numbers but it's out in my trunk and I'm too lazy to walk outside tonight. smile

Where were you coming south from on your way home? Being in Fremont, I'm directly east of White River 30 minutes, but distance is about equal for me to go to Little Sable, Grand Haven, or Muskegon at 40-45 minutes each.

I have a couple questions for you. Are you having better luck shooting Velvia at ISO 40 than 50? I know there has been some controversy with rating it at 50 vs. 40. I have tried both ways and get decent color, but I don't seem to get the color you do. I have also tried bracketing with and without a polarizer. Would a warming filter 812 at sunset help do you think to color balance and offset the bluish tones of the water reflecting on the sky? I shoot with an N90s and Sigma lens (28-80/2.8 and 100-300/4.5). I want that Nikon 70-200/2.8 in the worst way...

Also, are you hand metering with a Sekonic or similar or using the F5 built in meter? What F-stop do you traditionally shoot at?