Thank goodness for Digital Rebel and zoom lens went swimming this morning while I was out shooting fall color near the White River and the tripod fell on an unstable bank...UGH UGH UGH...

Anyways - I am looking to replace my camera body with the Canon 10D and a 17-40 pro zoom lens. That leaves me with the following lenses in my bag: a 28mm prime, a 50mm prime, and a 200mm prime along with a 1.4x Canon teleconverter. I'm thinking about trading in the 200mm for a 70-200 pro zoom lens. However, I *think* I would like to get a zoom in between 40mm and 70mm, or should I just stick with the 50mm prime to cover the ground in between and perhaps trade in the 28mm for an 85mm? I like shooting with primes, as they are small and light, but love the convenience of zoom. What do you guys think?