Hi Mike,

I shoot print film and occasionally use a digital camera. For lighthouse photos, I use Fuji 100 and 200 speed most of the time. (I've recently tried 800 speed for wildlife photos for this first time with mixed results.) Gary has tempted me to try slide film, and I defnitely will sometime. But I enjoy the convenience of print film. I shoot mostly to put photos in an album to share with others and for my own memories. Often I've taken photos of lights when I'm in a hurry (on a cruise or a trip where I try to see as many lights as I can). So, I like that print film is more forgiving.


p.s. Did I see that you just registered in November, and you're already a Wacko? I haven't paid much attention to my # of posts lately. My goal is to become a Wacko before my 1st year anniversary.