on a mostly cloudy day...

Finally got a chance today to meet the owner, Jim Walker. He said that he would very much like to get a 6th order lens for the light but that there are very few in existence. He also recalled the day in 1995 that BY stopped by during their open house to unveil the HL of the lighthouse. Jim also told us that that same day in October three people drowned out in the lake having gone out in a 19' boat in 8-9' waves. frown

Previous to Jim's arrival we chatted with his S.O. who was manning the store. She said that the tower is currently closed off as a couple of the stair treads (not original)are broken. Also she spoke of the rising cost of window replacement. The cost of the next window to be replaced will be $1800!

I asked her about the hotel. She said they are just trying to keep it stable at present. There was some sort of explosion near the marina in l987 which destroyed the building which housed the marina office and the Town required that a new building be errected for that purpose. Therefore funds have not been available to restore the hotel.