My favorite dealer is Camera World in Clarksville, Tennessee. (The name may not reflect a gift and collectible store but believe me, it is). Not only do I buy my HLs there. I work there too. I often get asked "Did they hire you because you know so much about lighthouses?" And my reply is "No they hired me in spite of it." lol. Selling is easy when you have a passion for what you are selling. I do have the love for lighthouses.
If anyone would like to contact me about what we have in the store call TOLL FREE 1-888-318-4438
any day but Wednesday, 9-7 central time
I would like to talk to you about HLs or any other collectible you may need. And of course we will ship.
Sorry, just the business side of me coming out. I'll try not to let it happen again.
Everyone have a great day.

Pam B.