Jen, I'm so sorry to hear about your "car vs. deer" incident. Those critters can really do some damage. Thank God you weren't seriously hurt.

We have about three or four deer hits a week in this area. Many of them are during the daylight hours. There are more and more deer with less and less places to go.

Speaking of the Northern Lights, I've only seen them once in my life. I believe it was in the mid 50's. I was out sledding with a small group of friends on a small hill across the street from the family home. I remember it was extremely cold and my Mother had already called for me to come in. It was probably around 8:00 pm when I noticed the sky had a greenish color to it. It was really different looking. I asked the folks why the sky was turning green and they told me it was the aurora borealis. I didn't understand what they were telling me but thought the whole thing was pretty cool.

cool Bob cool