Continuation of the various Outer Banks photo threads...

We went to Bodie late-day on Thursday. WHAT an INCREDIBLE experience. I've been there 3 or 4 times, and this was the best.

Photos are at the Yahoo! Photos under "OBX - Bodie Island LH."

We were heading down from Manteo to see a few LSS, and spur-of-the-moment, stopped at Bodie. I hopped out with my camera and began snapping the normal shots. One kind of unique shot - though I'm sure it's been done before - was to get the tower framed between the double support posts of the porch.

I started walking around to the back of the light. There's a sort of fence around it now, from parts falling off. In one photo, taken with my 10x zoom, you can see the brick behind where the coping fell off.

I then headed back to the boardwalk at the back of the property, where I'd never been before. Got some INCREDIBLE shots of the tower with the great afternoon light. I'm planning on framing one for my "lighthouse photos hall of fame" in my room.

I ran back to the car after my little brother came running to get me like my absence was a national crisis. Driving out, we drove around the carpark loop once more, to get photos through the oaks. They were okay...if the stupid minivan wasn't there, they'd be much better.

An incredible experience, with incredible light...and very different from the other times I've been here.

Coming up: Bodie Island and Oregon Inlet LSS, to be posted in the "Great OBX LSS Quest" thread in the LSS forum.