To bring everybody up to date on the status of the Wacko Pin Project, we’ve finally received all the necessary written permissions. I spoke with the pin manufacturer’s representative yesterday and sent the proposed design and specs today. After he reviews the design, if there are no changes necessary from a manufacturing point of view, he’ll send it on to the manufacturer. The manufacturer will make a prototype which will end up with me. I’ll scan it and post the scan here. The rep says this should happen sometime in late January or early February.

Barbara and Henry Hupp are touring Orlando, Florida. I spoke to them on the telephone yesterday. They don’t have internet access right now. They each asked that I wish all the forum habitués a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

I want to take this opportunity to thank Kim Andrews of Harbour Lights and the committee of John Chidester, Paul Brady, Rod Watson, Barbara and Henry Hupp [AND Lamar from LA] and Darlene Cook for all their tireless efforts and hard work. Without you this project would not occur.

Watch this space. I’ll post breaking news as it occurs.

To give credit where credit was due...

[This message has been edited by JChidester (edited 12-18-99).]