I collect LLOMs. Though I admire and drool over the LEs, I then come to the realization that, "I could never afford to collect these!". So I get the LLOM.

The thing I like about LLOMs is they are open. This allows an on-and-off collector such as myself to be able to collect the lights I like or have seen when I want, at the same price as when first introduced, without paying inflated retired LE prices. Therefore, I can buy the Boon Island LLOM in 2 years when I have seen Boon Island, buy it as a current piece, and not pay the price for the by-then-2-years-retired LE. (Note: I don't know if there even is a Boon LLOM, just an example). Instead of spending around $150 for a larger light, I can spend $15-20 for a small one that fits more places, that I have to worry about less, and that I can always get a replacement for.

Also, as said previously, LLOMs are great for starting kids out on lighthouses. Would you buy your 5 year old child or grandchild a $65-80 LE to get them started? I DON'T THINK SO. Hey, look-there's the lantern-and there's the door! GASP! It was a double digit!!! eek

And of course, there are always those who are dedicated to LEs, and wouldn't buy an LLOM or GLOW if their life depended on it.