Last fall NELL members voted to donate $4800 to the Littler River Lighthouse to help restore the flooring in a couple of the rooms of the Keeper's Quarters. Here is an article that just came out now that we finally got a check presenation together.

Since the photo in the article is a bit small...

This was taken earlier this month at the last ALF Board meeting in Wells, ME by Ron Foster. And for those who want the class roster, from left to right are:

The Trapani Trio, Ann-Marie Trapani ALF Asst. Executive Director, Paul and Peg Conlin, Kathy Finnegan, Don Doucette from the Pomham Rocks Chapter, Bob Trapani, Nancy Doucette, Yours Truely, Tim Harrison, Jim Streeter from the Avery Point chapter, Ken and Dot Black and Bill Collette 2nd Vice President for ALF
