I still don't want to mention my choice or my reasons for it but I do want to mention one thing.

I got an e-mail earlier this afternoon from ron foster which he sent out to an undisclosed number of people urging them to register on the forums and then vote for Avery Point.

I replied to this message that while I felt it does not break the rules it bends them as much as possible.

I have sent e-mails to people who have identified themselves as Champions of the other Lighthouses and forwarded a copy of this e-mail and have requested that they send out a similar e-mail to rebalance the playing field.

I hope you make it clearer to your supporters that they have to follow the rules a set here in the forums. I have already gotten a number of votes that don't count because the voter has not read the rules and voted in the proper manner.

I do not agree with this concept but feel it is only right to make this post and to send the information directly to other groups.

I guess next time we'll have to make sure to have a date that people have to register by so we won't have what I term ballot stuffing.

All of the lighthouses involved are worthy causes and deserve our money- only one can get it.

I would hope that people would take a look at the websites for all of the lighthouses involved and pick the one they think deserves the money the most- not just because the are a member of NELL so the have to vote for Avery Point or a member of WILD so they have to vote for Pottawaotomie or a member of the LI Chapter of the USLHS so they have to vote for Cedar Island, etc.

Vote your informed choice.

Thank you,
