Are YOU interested in helping to save our country's lighthouses? If so, we really need your help. The deadline is getting closer for ordering the WACKO pin, whose funds will be going to Esopus Meadows this year to help in its restoration.

This is YOUR project, a FORUM project. Forum members determine which lighthouse is picked each year to receive the donation. The committee just does all the many hours of work to produce the pin.

Won't you please support the project. You will get a beautiful and collectible pin in return for your generosity.

Look for Ladybug's posting on this same thread and it will lead you to her website with full ordering instructions. You can even use PAYPAL to make it easier.

We would all appreciate your telling your lighthouse friends about this pin. Anyone who likes lighthouses can order, not just forum members.

Personally I don't think we are getting the necessary exposure on this Forum, based on looking at the number of people listed who tune in here each day. Everyone seems to go to the General Forum as a matter of course; and we need to have this project presented there, and discussed there so EVERYONE will at least be aware of it. What can YOU do to help?

Help Keep the Flames Burning
Barb Hupp
