The brick party is on, some details:

Brick Restoration Party for Cape St. George Lighthouse

What: An opportunity to do hands on restoration of a lighthouse. This will involve chipping 1850’s mortar off of the bricks salvaged. Tools will be provided, however, we suggest you bring work gloves.

When: Saturday November 11th, 2006.

Where: Eastpoint, Florida. Eastpoint is between St. George Island and Apachicola.

Details: Tents will be setup to provide shade and cover in the unlikely event of rain.

If you are traveling and need a place to stay, it is off season and we will try to get additional discounted rates on hotels.

If a site for the re-building is nailed down by then, we will visit the site.

I will be there sometime Friday afternoon for those arriving early.

Nearby lighthouses – San Blas, St. Joe (private but can been seen from the road) and Crooked River. St. Marks is about one hour away.

More details to follow. PLEASE email me at if interested and let me know if you will need a hotel room Friday or Saturday night or both. (This info will help when we talk to the hotels). Also a head count will help other planning, if you are still unsure, still email me. THANKS, Eric

Eric, Florida Keys Reef Lights Foundation; Godfather of Jones Point River Lighthouse; member and District Commissioner of Florida Lighthouse Association et el