This weekend 30 Mile Point (HL 184) celebrated their 125th Anniversary. We left our house around 11:00 this morning in a rain shower. The closer we got to the light (it is approximately 55 miles from home) the rain seemed to lighten up. It is a beautiful lighthouse! We toured the grounds and the inside of the keepers quarters. They weren't letting any one climb the tower because of the wet (too slippery for that # of people), but the grounds are beautiful.

On the way home we drove by Braddocks Bay Light (which is now a private home). Then it was on to our home light--Charlotte. This was the first time we have been there when the tower was open...42 steps up and then a ten step ladder to reach the lantern room. They have a 4th order fresnel on display.

All in all--it was a great day despite the on and off rain showers.



Patty & Mike

[This message has been edited by Kaiz (edited 07-09-2000).]