
I somehow have not one, but TWO Maine Map and Guides. There was a mixup with the Amazon wish list that I use for my Christmas and Birthday lists. I still have the extra in its wrapper, so I can sell it or have an extra.

It is a GREAT guide. I used the copier at school to make it in a more book-like format, but I didn't enlarge it. I was able to add about 12 "If There's Time" lights to my Maine trip my it's reccomendations. It also tells you how far the light is for almost every offshore light, something no other guide does as much.


Thanks for the link. It looks perfect, except for that it seems to be the second edition, and the hardcover. But thanks for the suggestion!

I've been checking ABEBooks every week or so for a copy. ABE searches used bookstores across the country for what you're looking for. I've tried some other used online stores, too. Thanks for all your help! laugh