I am looking for a copy of Courtney Thompson's "Maine Lighthouses: A Pictorial Guide". Last year, I was ready to buy the book, when it vanished into thin air and out of print. I tried every communications method for the author, to no avail. So I thought I'd turn to the CF for a copy.

Some notes...

1) I am looking for the third edition (2001). I'd prefer to have this one, as it is obviously updated. Don't want to get lost on the backroads of Maine. laugh

2) It has to be in good condition. It doesn't have to be mint and never opened, but I'd rather the cover wasn't hanging off.

3) My price is $19.95 OBO.

Thanks. I'm looking forward to finding a copy of this. Lesson for next time: "If it looks like it might not be available tommorow, buy it!"

Please PM me if you have a copy, or if you know my email, email me. If this is not the right place for this inquiry (I wasn't sure where to put it), then a person with the power to do so is more than welcome to move it.