After viewing all these forums and noting all the talent and idle time that most of the contributors have, I thought it would be a GREAT IDEA if John Chidester would organize and assign volunteers to gather information on each light house IN the collection, as to its location and how best to find it, best angles for photos, best times of the day for viewing, if it can be reached by land or by water, if it is open to the public and when, does it have a gift shop, etc. Information could be included to advise all on availability of boats to go to an island, or planes in vicinity to view a light, and so forth. For example: If one wanted to view the S.E. Light on Block Island, where would one go to get a boat ride to get there and while there, should they look for other lights on near-by islands etc.
It sounds like a big undertaking, but if we flooded these forums with useful information for the readers, it would be of far more value than the idle chit chat. I know that after talking to several of you at the last reunion, you have a wealth of knowledge that could be passed along.
John knows where most of us are from and he could solicit volunteers to cover lights near their home. Once it starts I'm sure a list could be posted of the lights that we don't have any member covering, then others could volunteer to get the information on those. I know that a lot of the current books have some of this information, but we have found some of them to be inacurate. As lighthouse lovers and knowing how hard is is to find some lights, we would really go out to get a fellow collector the straight scope.
Take it away Johnny...