OK, I do keep a list for each postcard exchange and I do check off the name when the postcard is received. My checkbooks also have to balance right to the penny.

We had just mailed out our postcards in envelopes for exchange #6. I printed out the list of names for that exchange and checked postcards received against the list. I discovered we had a postcard from someone not on the list. Went back to the original list (before all the formatting changes) and sure enough the name was there. Somehow we lost the name when working with the file. If I hadn't checked the list, that person would not have received a postcard. It is now in the mail.

I realize some of the postcards will be lost in the mail, but I would at least like to get them to the post office so there is a chance they will be delivered.

And, the missing ones, I don't really care. I included that figure, because it was a stat I had. For what it's worth, only one name appears more than once on the "missing" list.

Joyce A.

Tom & Joyce