The original exchange (John's) went thru the end of 2000. I received cards from all participants. A couple were "kinda" late.

I didn't do Pharologst's exchange.

PC 3 was 1/1 - 6/30/01. I am missing 2 of 25.

PC 4 was in envelope, 1/1 - 6/30/01. I am missing 3 of 21.

PC 5 runs 7/1 - 12/31/01. I am missing 9 of 25. I know of 5 who should have their cards in the mail any day.

PC 6 in envelope runs 7/1 - 12/31/01. I am missing 6 of 21. I know of 3 who should be in the mail soon.

PC 7 will run 1/1 - 3/31/02 (3 months). It is full.

PC 8 is in envelope and will run 1/1 - 4/30/02 (4 months). As of a few minutes ago there are 2 spots left.

Kind of interesting that you have received different numbers than I have, and I watch the threads to see when people post they have sent their cards. We may need to compare notes.

As I said in another post, lots of great cards have been received. Very few duplicates which is very surprising. Lots of very interesting cards of not-so-well known lights.


[This message has been edited by Dave H (edited 12-09-2001).]

[This message has been edited by Dave H (edited 12-09-2001).]