We thought it might be a good idea to recap the Postcard Exchanges to date. One reason is to be certain all of our cards made it through the mail. The main reason is to thank everyone for the wonderful cards we’ve received. It’s always a pleasant surprise to find these cards in our mailbox.

If you didn’t receive our cards, please let us know and we’ll resend them.

#1, St. John’s Post Card Exchange (no envelope) around September 2000 (12 months?).
We sent postcards. Still missing one in this exchange.

#2, Pharolygst’s Post Card Exchange (no envelope) 10/2000 (4 months?).
We sent postcards and received a card from everyone on the list.

#3, January – June 30, 2001 (no envelope).
We sent postcards. Still missing two in this exchange.

#4, January – June 30, 2001 (in envelope).
We sent postcards. We received a post card from Nancy Younger thanking us for our post card. Still missing three in this exchange.

#5, July – December 31, 2001 (no envelope).
We missed the signup for this exchange.

#6, July – December 31, 2001 (in envelope).
We just sent our cards out. So far we are only missing four in this exchange.

#7, January – April 2002 (no envelope).
We are on this list.

#8, January – April 2002 (in envelope).
We are on this list.

Tom & Joyce

[This message has been edited by Tom and Joyce Abbott (edited 12-08-2001).]

Tom & Joyce