Nine NELL members gathered this Saturday at noon to start our Maine Weekend. We met up at the Lighthouse Depot to kick off the weekend with 2 days of chasing the Lighthouses on Parade. The Cape Ape Lighthouse greets you as you enter the Depot.

Before entering the Depot you also get to see the Undercover Lighthouse.

The group then spent the remainder of Saturday and Sunday hunting down as many lights as possible. We managed to hit 46 lights in the time we spent driving all over the Portland area. We had minor issues with a few wrong turns, one close call on an accident but tons of fun!

One fun spot was the light at Haven's Candies where we got to enjoy chocolate lighthouse pops.

A favorite of the group was the Blue Willow Teapot light.

I have many more photos which I will be uploading soon. Check out my photo album. Lighthouses on Parade
