Received the following email today mad mad mad :

Vandals have struck six of the lighthouses of Lighthouses on Parade. All the attacks were against lighthouses on display in the Portland area.

The vandals left flyers saying that they disapprove of using the 10-foot tall artistically designed lighthouses as public art encouraging others to vandalize them. In fact one flyer requested that people should steal a police car and run the lighthouses over. Another flyer indicated disgust of taxpayer money being used for the lighthouses.

Obviously no taxpayer money was used.

This could severally hurt the auction for these lighthouses that will raise money for the Maine charities. One of the lighthouse vandalized was from the Center for Grieving Children - children who lost a parent to cancer. The stars with the names were ripped off the lighthouse. How disgusting can people get.

Profits from the sales of the book, Lighthouses on Parade will benefit the American Lighthouse Foundation. If the loss is to great from the auction, we may want to consider giving up our money for lighthouse restoration from the sales of the book to the charities. Time will tell. The lighthouses will now be repaired as best they can, so we'll see what happens.

Hopefully police will find the morons.

Lets pray that this does not continue.

That's all for this report.

Tim Harrison
