Geez Bob, put me on the spot why don't you! I was going to offer anyway, but I wanted to be #25. I think Lainey will participate - we have communicated and I offered to acquire some cards for her next week. If she is in, she is 23, I am 24 and we have room for one more.

Still plenty of time, though - this exchange shouldn't start until July 1st so we all have plenty of time to reload. As a mater of fact, I am making not one, but 2, trips to the land of the rolling blackout to get more post cards. I will be accepting donations to help offset the cost of these cards.

Give it a bit and then e-mail me with you snail mail address IF you have not previously been in a PC exchange that I was in.


[This message has been edited by Dave H (edited 03-28-2001).]