Time to see if there is any interest in restarting the Post Card Exchanges. Max of 25 people. This one will be for new cards sent in the normal post card fashion (no envelope). Don't have to send all the same card, but it is very helpful in keeping track of what you have sent to a person. You would need a total of 27 cards (24 other players, 2 courtesy cards, and one for yourself.) Exchange will start as soon as list is distributed, and will continue thru November 15th.

It is possible that these current exchanges may see our first international participants.

Bob Scroope has agreed to collect names and addresses and send out mailing lists for this round. If you have not participated in an exchange in the past year, or if your mailing information has changed, please send the information to b o b @ scroope.net (take out the spaces). Be sure to include "PCE 26" in the subject or the spam filter wlll get you!

I'm in at #1, Bob at #2. Next person will be #3.