Having trouble getting on HL web site. "Operation timed out while . . . ." appears on screen using John's link above, Explorer, and FireFox. Has site crashed?

I'm thinking HL products (pre-Lighthouse Depot ownership) will become more valuable. I'm also impressed of the level of service I've received over the years from Lighthouse Depot. I don't see them continuing to use their present shipper if sales of HL pieces drops off.

Will the Harbour Lights name be on LD pieces? If it isn't included in the sale, I'm even more convinced that the HL pieces we have now will become more valuable.

Anybody care to share the name of the person and the reason(s) s/he is disliked? Just curious.

Also, where do an updated Product History and seahorse link stand? It sure would be a feather in Lighthouse Depot's hat if they pull both of those missed features together.
