I also have struggled with the keep or toss box issue. Currently I keep all boxes, and inserts. As of late I have come to appreciate the earlier packing (with peanuts) in that you toss the peanuts and the boxes fold up very nicely and store easily in an nice rubbermaid tub. However, since they started shipping in molded foam I have had trouble storing the original box & foam inserts. I feel really good about being able to ship an HL (which I have never done), if I have foam packing, but they take up a lot of space. It would be so nice if I just chucked the foam, flattened the box, and stored them in a small footprint. The difference is a 10 X 10 X 4 foot crawl space area (foam inserts) to an estimated 6 X 3 X 2 foot area for folded boxes. My only logic at this point is that while I get to enjoy the collection now, it may mean for our heirs, should they decide to sell, an increase in value. However, if I find out the kids want to sell these, then they are out of the will. Bottom line, I wish I had some crystal ball that would tell me what the $ amount is down the line if you have the original box and packing.