This is the eleventh CH-1 that I have tracked on ebay. The lowest price was $2100.75 and the highest $4309.59. There was a damaged one that had its top broken off and it went for $588. Because it was damaged its price will not be considered for tracking the CH-1 value.

The majority of the winning bids are between the $3000 and $3200 mark. If I were going to assign an ebay value to it I would have to say that price range. So looking at this bid we would have to say it went for the standard ebay value. The reason I thought it would go for more was that it has not been on the market for over a year and that usually stimulates desire when it comes to collectables. I also thought it was interesting that it had the full green felt and that would have stimulated its value.

The reason that one of the CH-1 went for as low as $2100.75 last year was that it went on the market right after another CH-1. It was the last one of four that was on ebay within a 6 month time period. This started to give the collectors the false image that the CH-1 was obtainable and wasn’t that rare. Hence a low bid.

Long-term value.

We have seen many Harbour Lights fall to ¼ to 1/10 of what there value was in 98 but not the CH-1. Granted it has fallen some (3/4 of what it went for in 1998) but I don’t look as it as fallen but as that its value has stabilized.