Okay, I wanna renig on my last input on this subject!! I don't get and stay mad easily, but I am a little steamed now and wanna put a bug in the ears of members who have (or may - if he sticks with it) deal(t) with these people on E-Bay. I purchased about 4 or 5 times from this dealer previously, but for some reason, this most recent time (7/19) I purchased the Cape Charles piece and waited patiently for it's delivery. I was about ready to go on my vacation on the 29th, so I contacted him on the fact that I've yet to receive the shipment. Taking about 2 days between replies, I found out that it had been deliverd to my old address that I moved from in March. He then proceeded to tell UPS on their tracer on my claim that he didn't have time to stay on the phone with them everyday to pursue this and if it was delivered then he was fine with that (to paraphrase since I'm not privy to the info as UPS will only report to their hiring agent, which was the shipper).

I told him that I had purchased over 35 lights for gifts and personal use and only had one send it to that address because they went by my confirmed address at PayPal instead of the address on the invoice from E-Bay; and he corrected upon my explanation w/o any questions. I then corrected it with PayPal. He has most recently tried to blame the whole thing on me as saying that I admitted having the wrong address registered with PayPal!! mad

Long story short, he now has said he is getting out of the e-Bay business due to the time, and problems with all of the whining of the e-bayers and since it's only a small part of his business since he specializes in antiques.

He sounds like a crochety old man that has since (or just before) Bob's post, forgotten what customer service means.

I told him that though he wanted to have a flagrant attitude, I (being the person that I am) hoped that UPS (who ultimately was to blame for leaving the package under the steps at my old apt.) would reimburse him so NO ONE would be shafted. He then replied back that it wasn't his fault, he's been away from work for a week due to being sick and didn't have time to read my "hour long e-mails" (which probably weren't near as long as this one - and obviously he wasn't reading due to still saying that my address was still wrong) and it was my fault, not his, due to me having the wrong address on the PayPal site (which I've already - and wrote back to - told him I corrected that long before we dealt this time). He told me to stop contacting him and he would (in caps) refund my money Monday if he felt well enough to return to work.

I replied and said FINE, just get me my money and I'll leave you far alone, but reitterated that my address is not listed anywhere as my old address and if he does take it back up with UPS, that I still hope he got reimbursed.

BOY, I'm over this and have since gone and bought it from my dealer at full price. I guess, just like some marriages, things seem rosey until you catch them on a bad day, then ...DO YOU REALLY KNOW THEM?!? confused eek :rolleyes:

BTW, I contacted my credit card company and put a challenge on this purchase from YWORREY after he refused to give me my money and stated that UPS had closed the tracer and said they didn't need anything else from him; which sounded like I was out of 70-some dollars.


Health through education, for a much misguided nation!!