OK Boys and Girls hold onto your hats! For your not going to believe this!

I went back today to see if that #108 Burrows Island was still available. And I wound up coming home with it for (hold that hat) $60.

No, this is definitely not from any post in the Market Place on the forum. But rather an individual. Whether un-informed or just want their money back, I don’t know. But today I came home with: #108 Burrows, #151 Jupiter, #177 (marked as #407) Alcatraz, #600 RED Legacy, #612 Roosevelt, and #614 Rose Island. All at original retail or not more than $5. over.

Did I do GOOD or WHAT !!!!!!!! I can’t believe it myself! This was a once in a lifetime thing I’m sure; just glad it was my lifetime!!



God may have created man before woman,
but there is always a rough draft before the masterpiece.