What's going on?
I have been reading various comments about the EBay Auction and I just can't believe the number of listing for Harbour Lights Lighthouses.
Most of the pricing is below Retail Prices! But, I have noticed several Retired Limited Editions selling at a considerably low price
It has been very difficult to access the EBay Auction! Their system has slowed down to almost a crawl and a pause or wait between pages!
Because,I wasn't using the EBay Auction, last year at this time; I have no idea; if this a repeat of last years Holiday Season!
I was quite surprised to get this EMail from a dealer!
It was just brought to my attention that there are a couple of Harbour Lights dealers out there (mostly on ebay) offering 30% off retail prices, now, I'm not telling you this to push your business away and to go to them.
I am acutally telling you this for some advice...
I am very disappointed that I am told by Harbour Lights that I cannot discount their product or they will stop selling to me and yet other dealers do it with no problems.
So my question is should I follow suit and offer you (my fellow collectors) the 30% discount?, or should I just do nothing?
Your opinion would be greatly appreciated.
