A sale is a sale. The secondary value will have it's highs and lows until it's true demand presents itself. Once the lens is known to have more than 4,000 collectors looking for it the prices should naturally start steadily increasing with demand. The prices jumping up and down is due to nothing more than people scrambling to get one. These people more than likely have not exhausted all their resources to find one at retail. Why would they do this? They can afford it, they are new collectors, they are searching to fill a christmas list...etc. There are many reasons. The point is Ebay is a factor and regardless of whatever fancy selling technique that some may like or dislike it's a sale. All sales should be tracked. What a piece will be selling for today will never be set in stone. It's what the seller want's to get out of it and what the buyer is willing to spend. If you aren't filling a Christmas list be patient and find that deal or better yet buy one at retail. How can you establish a secondary price when they haven't all be shipped yet?

I'm not sure what a "Free Market" is or is not but the $50 sale of White Shoal should certainly be included. They can still be found on dealers shelves at retail as well as Colchester Reef. I hate to burst some bubbles but there are lighthouses out there that aren't worth retail. Another example might be Navesink. I have seen countless Navesinks discounted as well as Anchor Bay if you would like to throw them into the mix.

It's all part of the puzzle.


[This message has been edited by SThompson (edited 12-05-2000).]