Thaks to all for the warm welcome! My wife Cathy and I have over 100 HL pieces (and yes, we have a New Point Loma - the big one)! We started collecting and visiting lights in 2001 and have been to over 80 lights, 2 light ships, and 2 life stations. We live about 3 hours from the Outer Banks in North Carolina and have been members of the Outer Banks Lighthouse Society.

That is how we first met Bill Younger, at a joint event with the Chesapeake group in 2001. Since then, we have met him numerous times and at one point, had our pictures with him on the web site! Anyway, it is good to be able to talk with others that enjoy collecting and visiting these gems as much as we do!

Our best experience to date was arriving at the Cape Lookout Light when it was under the Coast Guard care and meeting the Coast Guard Commander who asked if we wanted to climb it with him! This was before any cililians were allowed back in. We spent quite a while there and will always remember that experience as one of our favorites. The wild horses there are something worth seeing as well!

We look forward to the forums and appreciate again, the warm welcome! Dave is holding an Erie Land for me - can't wait to get it! wink

Michael and Cathy